
Share your work through poetry

SciComm at its best!

Since 2020, the Water Quality Technical Committee has run the #HaikuYourResearch challenge to get researchers thinking about their work in new ways. There are hundreds of haikus on Twitter now, and we’re looking forward to more later this fall!

2022 Competition

The Water Quality Technical Committee is once again hosting its #HaikuYourResearch competition.  

This competition is open to students and early career researchers. The submissions must be made by the Dec. 7 deadline and can either be tweeted at @AGU_WQ or entered via a Google Form

 Five submissions will receive $200 each! Please share widely to your respective communities.

2021 Winners

Below are the ECR recipients of the WQTC’s Tiny Grants! Search #HaikuYourResearch on Twitter for more great haikus.

2020 Winners

Abigail McCarthy

Each water year brings

New droughts and floods to the land

The river survives

Kristen Bretz

Little streams flow down

Visit wetlands on the way

Release more carbon

Audrey Goeckner

Little urban ponds

Chemically reactive

Green, smelly, gassy

Esther Lee

Let’s support others

Like trees supply water to grass

— Beauty of coexistence

Bailey Anderson

The trees are traitors

Those bastions of green futures

Are sucking us dry